


Critical infrastructure, retraining, advanced training, system of training specialists, critical infrastructure protection.


Military actions throughout Ukraine, destruction and damage of many industrial companies, institutions and organizations, including strategically important infrastructure facilities, – all these and other risks require the government to take new approaches to addressing the abovementioned issues. Safety and uninterrupted operation of critical infrastructure facilities largely depends on the so-called “human factor”. It is the qualification of specialists, their competences, understanding of how the facilities operate and how the interaction occurs that largely determine the overall success in this area. The study and initial systematization of scientific works dedicated to the chosen topic helped us find out that despite significant interest of researchers in the training of critical infrastructure protection specialists, essential aspects of this issue still remain outside the attention of scientists. New and dangerous challenges to regional and global security put the task on the agenda focused on building an educational model in Ukraine dedicated to the subject of critical infrastructure protection and on scientific development of the mentioned issues. In such conditions, these circumstances stimulate to analyze the regulatory support of the training of critical infrastructure protection specialists, to study the tried-and-tested practices of organizing critical infrastructure protection education events in the world’s major countries, and to build a new system of training critical infrastructure protection specialists. The publication analyzes the regulatory basis for the training of critical infrastructure protection specialists (which shows the absence of any regulations related to the training of critical infrastructure protection specialists), summarizes the critical infrastructure protection education practices in various leading countries of the world (which pay considerable attention to training critical infrastructure protection specialists), and proposes a mechanism for introducing a system of training critical infrastructure protection specialists designed to meet the country’s needs for the appropriate experts and to improve the awareness of all groups of the population and their readiness to resist security challenges.


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How to Cite

Арсенович, Л. А. (2023). SOME ISSUES OF INTRODUCING A SYSTEM OF TRAINING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION SPECIALISTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 3-14.