production planning, two-level processing enterprises, decision-making process, optimality criteria, information supportAbstract
The task of creation the rules for developing and employing information support in the decision- making process for two-level processing enterprises with polycriterial evaluation decisions has been considered. The object of research is the decision-making processes at the polyalternative planning activities. The goal of the research is the creation of a set of indicators to assess the quality of samples having a single nature, based on the principles of fractal analysis. Here it has been proposed the rules for developing and employing information support in the decision-making process for the two-level processing enterprises in order to automate it for the both levels managers in the field of polycriterial and polyalternative decisions at the optimal planning of seasonal production activities and which support the adaptation of the parameters of mathematical calculation models of the activity indicators in changing conditions of the season. The functional IDEF0-diagrams of planning systems have been proposed, which provide the ability to define the models parameters for the analysis of performance indicators. The developed software has been tested by the software while solving problems of optimal planning of the enlarged production volumes and the operative planning of the volumes output in case of the planned tasks violation. The comparison of the optimal recommendations to the actual data has showed that the functioning of information support will reduce production costs and reduce by several times the time spent on the preparation of the production program units. Implementation of information support in the form of managers tools for planning and production services will improve the profitability of the two-level enterprise in the terms of the working capital limitations.
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