


dairy industry, sour milk cheese, innovative technologies, sour milk products


From time immemorial, the population has needed to get a quality food – it`s the most in need of attention and measures to improve the social and also an agricultural problem. The dairy industry, including cheese-produing, is one of the key products in the food sector of the economy of our country. In the list of food products, cheese occupies a prominent place due to its energy and nutritional content, the composition of the cheese is rich by proteins and milk fat, it contains a significant amount of vitamins and minerals salts. In this time the development of the consumer dairy market needs to be constantly improved by existing industrial production methods, taking into new innovative technological solutions that would allow to eliminate low-quality raw materials in a few yaers, because this problem in domestic cheese is still one of a main aspect. In these days, the economy of our country is making every effort to improve the quality and safety of cheese industry. It focuses on expanding the range of dairy products. That is why much attention is focused at the manufacturing the sour milk cheese from kefir (yoghurt) and butter as an innovative technological solution which is economically feasible, because it allows to increase the range of products and to reduce waste in processing due to new resource-saving technologies. The production of sour milk cheeses which is based on kefir or sweet butter, includes very hard technological process complex, even minor changes in one of the factors cause changes in the dynamics of cheese mass transformations such as physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological. Due to the problem of milk shortage in cheese manufacturing, such products as kefir (yoghurt) and butter are the main components in innovative technologies for the production of high quality safe products. It is because the expiration date of milk is lower in compare to kefir (yoghurt) and butter. Constant developments in improving the quality of raw materials and innovative vectors of the technological process allow us to reach a new level of sour milk cheese production and to increase the range of dairy products on the shelves of country and foreign markets. It takes us possibility to expand the species composition of sour milk cheese. The introduction of innovative technologies in the production processes of the dairy industry with the use of fermented milk products in the manufacture of sour milk cheese will allow us to reach in particular a new level of dairy and the food industry in general too.


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How to Cite

Брикова, Т. М. (2022). MANUFACTURING THE INNOVATIVE SOUR MILK CHEESE USING KEFIR (YOGHURT) AND BUTTER. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 110-118.