measuring instruments, measurement methods, linear and angular dimensions, measurement error, metrology.Abstract
Measuring equipment is an integral part of any production. The quality, and, accordingly, the competitiveness of products is largely determined by the state of the measuring procedure in production. The manufacture of special equipment requires high-precision production of parts of complex geometric shapes. Since the material from which the parts are made is usually expensive, the production must be highly efficient, and the control of the resulting product must be highly accurate. Most parts of special equipment have a complex profile, and the manufacture of such parts is a rather laborious process, the result of which is controlled without fail. Quality control of the resulting complex-profile parts takes a lot of time and measuring tools. The execution of measurements accounts for up to 15% of labor costs. The article is devoted to solving the problem of choosing means and methods for controlling the geometric dimensions of parts and assembly units, depending on the conditions of design documentation, technological process and design. Geometric dimensions are length and thickness, diameters (external and internal), parallelism of sides, angles, threaded holes, roughness, etc. The control of these parameters is the most specific and responsible in production shops, central measuring laboratories, technical control departments. In industrialized countries, these types of measurements account for 85% – 90% of all existing types of control, while the assessment of the accuracy of shape and size depends on the degree of measurement accuracy. The article considers the development of the scientific foundations of the actual scientific and technical problem of increasing the efficiency of geometric measurements, the choice of control methods, the justification for the need to use one or another measuring instrument. Methods and methods for controlling geometric dimensions and angles by various technical means and devices are presented, taking into account the technological process of manufacturing parts and assemblies.
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