


celiac disease, gluten-free bread technology, green buckwheat, sesame seeds.


Among food products for special dietary consumption, a special place is occupied by products developed for the category of people with diseases in which there is an intolerance to certain food components (diabetes, celiac disease, phenylketonuria, etc.). According to the World Association of Gastroenterologists (WOG-OMGE), about 1% of the world’s population suffers from celiac disease, which has an increased risk of death compared to the general population. In this regard, an analysis of the production of food products for the population suffering from celiac disease was carried out. In Ukraine, the assortment of gluten-free bakery products on the domestic market today is insufficient for the growing needs of the population with various types of food allergies and gluten enteropathy, which is why it is advisable to develop gluten-free bread technology. Different types of raw flour, grain, and oilseeds were studied and theoretical aspects for substantiation of bread technology using gluten-free raw materials were studied. The technology of bread using green buckwheat and sesame seeds was developed, and their influence on the organoleptic quality indicators of the product was investigated. On the basis of generalized expert evaluations, it was established that the organoleptic indicators of the developed bread using gluten-free raw materials are at the control level (4.4 points), and in terms of smell and taste, it exceeds the control sample. The developed yeast-free bread with the use of green buckwheat and sesame seeds can be recommended for a gluten-free diet, used in the diet of people both for dietary nutrition and for general disease prevention. The social effect of the introduction of the developed technology of yeast-free bread using gluten-free raw materials, namely green buckwheat and sesame seeds, into the production is the expansion of the range of bread products for the nutrition of the population suffering from celiac disease.


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How to Cite

Васьківська, А. О., & Пересічна, С. М. (2022). TECHNOLOGY OF YEAST-FREE BREAD USING GLUTEN-FREE RAW MATERIALS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 44-54.