


food industry, accident, causes of injury.


The risk of industrial accidents is constantly present in a person’s professional activity in any sphere of economic activity. Ukraine has a high level of industrial injuries, and this fact should cause public concern. The state of industrial injuries at food industry enterprises is analyzed. According to the results of the analysis, during 2010–2019, the number of accidents at food industry enterprises decreased by 2 times compared to 2000–2009. However, in 2020, the food industry was included in the ten most traumatizing branches of economic activity. The most vulnerable group of workers servicing equipment for the production of food and similar products, as well as motor vehicle drivers and loaders. Most often, accidents at food enterprises occur due to the following events: careless handling of objects and parts that move and rotate; events on transport; fall of the victim. The analysis of industrial injuries by regions of Ukraine shows that, as in 2000-2019, today more than 50% of accidents occur due to organizational reasons. The main causes of injury remain non-compliance with labor protection instructions; violation of safety requirements during the operation of equipment, machines, mechanisms. non-performance of official duties. The improvement and implementation of modern technological equipment at food industry enterprises contributes to the reduction of injuries due to technical reasons. The article suggests that when developing accident prevention strategies and management strategies, heads of structural divisions, occupational health and safety specialists should take into account not only direct factors (age, seniority), but also indirect factors, for example, work structure, place of work, working hours, professional specialization. The proposed approach will help reduce the number of injuries for organizational and psychophysiological reasons.


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How to Cite

Челябієва, В. М., & Костенко, І. А. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF INJURIES IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 110-116.