


smart networks, identification, emergency situations, distribution networks, electrical energy, fourth industrial revolution, smart cities


In this paper, shows that the development of information technologies has a significant impact on the existing electrical distribution networks of Smart cities, ensuring the exchange of information in all technological areas and all objects of the energy network according to the Smart Grid concept. Ensuring the efficiency of the functioning of the distribution system of Smart cities involves solving compatibility problems between all objects of the energy network using a number of smart devices and related information technologies was shown. One of the tasks of ensuring the efficiency of electric networks is to increase the level of monitoring of emergency situations and the reliability of electricity supply to consumers due to the improvement of the efficiency of distribution system operators. One of the ways to increase efficiency is the use of means of identifying emergency conditions in sections of both cable and overhead electrical networks. The diagram of the placement of damage indicators on the section of the electrical distribution network, which allows determining the direction of the search for the place of damage, is given. Combination of information and communication technologies and means of control and accounting of electricity allows creating modern Smart means of identifying emergency conditions for the structures of communication and engineering and energy networks according to the concept of Smart City, in which the source of information is measuring current transformers. For optical and electromagnetic current measuring transformers a comparative analysis conducted. A significant number of advantages of optical measuring current transformers that be used in damage indicators can be provided by measuring current transformers of the electromagnetic type are shown. A block diagram of a specialized information and measurement system with a damage indicator created, taking into account the Smart Grid concept requirements that allows reducing the searching time for the cause to a minimum.


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How to Cite

Зайцев, Є. О., Антоненко, А. В., Березниченко, В. О., & Закусило, С. А. (2022). SMART MEANS OF DETERMINING EMERGENCY CONDITIONS IN CITY ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 3-12.




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