


dairy products, cheese paste, whey, vegetable raw materials, pear, fiber, biological value, optimization.


The combination of dairy and vegetable ingredients, such as fruit and berry fillers, which are sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber, allows you to get products with increased biological and nutritional value and attractive sensory indicators. The purpose of this work is to develop a recipe for curd pastes using whey and components of plant origin, which will increase the biological value of the product by increasing the content of protein and dietary fiber. Since pear fruits are considered a valuable multivitamin food product, improve digestion and are rich in biologically active substances, it was proposed to use freeze-dried pear fruits. And also whey is added to the recipe of curd pastes as a source of complete protein. Thus, the following ingredients were chosen as the components of the composition of curd pastes: natural creamy curd; cheese whey partially demineralized (40%) concentrated or dry; pear powder – freeze drying; locust bean gum (E410). To model and optimize the recipe composition of cheese paste using the STATISTICA software, using the Schaffe lattice plan (simplex vertex plan of the third degree), modeling of recipe compositions of cheese pastes was carried out – a matrix was built for ten experiments. The search for the optimal ratios of the component composition of the composition of cheese pastes with the addition of concentrated/dry cheese whey and pear powder was carried out using the equations constructed by the program. As a result, the following composition ratios were found: 1) cream cheese - 37.41%, concentrated whey – 36.91%, pear powder – 25.67%; 2) content of cream cheese – 89.38%, dry whey – 7.98%, pear powder – 2.64%.


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How to Cite

Назаренко, Ю. В., Пуригін, І. О., Болгова, Н. В., & Синенко, Т. П. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF RECIPE COMPOSITIONS OF CHEESE PASTES WITH INCREASED BIOLOGICAL VALUE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 65-74.