test framework, testing, automation, test case, automation toolsAbstract
In order to successfully enter the market, as well as to stabilize and maintain its position on it, each product undergoes testing in its various manifestations and at various stages of its life cycle. This is an important part of the development and support process, because the further the IT industry develops, the more requirements appear for the final product to be competitive. This is because important features such as stability, ease of use, or thoughtful user interface design have become the norm. In today’s world, to constantly get new customers, you need to bring more than this. Each characteristic or requirement should be checked in more detail. According to various estimates, the total cost of software testing can be from 15 to 25 % of the total cost of the project. And therefore it is necessary to approach it with a well-thought-out plan and preparation. Here, products can be conditionally divided into two directions: those that will not be improved after entering the market and that will work on improvements throughout their entire life cycle. In the first case, it is often enough to conduct full manual testing and release the product if successful. In the second case, you will have to test regularly, with every change or update. And therefore, it will take a significant part of resources and budget. Therefore, such projects often have testing automation, which significantly reduces the amount of manual work. It can often be cheaper, and can significantly reduce time and resources, and provide greater accuracy and efficiency compared to manual testing, which is often repeated. However, developing a new system for launching and developing test cases for each project is very difficult and expensive. Therefore, specialists have developed universal frameworks for automated testing that are flexibly adjusted to individual needs. Using frameworks has its own challenges that can affect test performance. This article examines three of the most common problems faced by automatizers and how to solve them.
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