IT project management, multi-criteria optimization, assignment task, software development, team, calendar planAbstract
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and methods of project performance analysis to meet their key needs. Such project management is based on a systematic approach implemented by the project team. In the IT sphere, the project has signs of temporality and uniqueness. The project is temporary, because it has a defined beginning and limitations on the time of implementation, which determine its scope and resources. The project is unique because it is a certain set of operations designed to achieve a singular goal. Therefore, the project team should include people who will ensure the optimal execution of the specified operations in terms of time and financial resources, focusing on achieving the business goal of the project. The article considers the main factors of IT project team formation, including the compliance of the employee’s knowledge with the requirements of the task, the employee’s workload for a certain period of time, the time and cost of completing a certain task. Mathematical methods and models that allow effective selection of alternatives in decision-making were considered. In particular, among such methods, the multi-criteria task of appointing potential members of the development team based on the expert method of assessing professional skills was considered. The specificity of this methodology involves comparing employees of the same or similar professions among themselves. The comparison is made according to one or several parameters of the evaluation of employees’ competencies. These parameters are chosen depending on the specific content of the task that the employee must perform, since different types of work make different, and sometimes diametrically opposed, demands on the performers. The practical value of such a method lies in providing managers with the possibility of a simplified project management process, when the allocation of executors to work is considered as a multi-criteria assignment task, which can be expanded due to the formation of a calendar plan of tasks and redistribution of workload. The project calendar reflects the main obligations regarding the content, terms and main stages of project implementation and becomes mandatory after signing contracts with customers.
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