educational platform, Moodle, import, format, GIFT, XML, character escaping, test database, programming, markup.Abstract
The paper addresses the challenges of importing educational materials into the Moodle learning platform for educational components focused on information technologies. The research may also apply to other educational components whose learning materials contain parts with specific syntax and symbols that coincide with the service symbols of import formats for educational systems. The study focuses on the Moodle system environment, a widely used open platform for learning management. The aim of the work is to explore the formats for importing educational materials, identify the challenges that arise, develop ways to adapt problematic materials, and select the most optimal import formats, methods of formatting, and processing based on the characteristics of educational materials in various fields. Particular attention is given to the automated import of test questions into Moodle. Various question import formats are analyzed, along with their shortcomings and limitations. Special emphasis is placed on GIFT and XML formats, recognized for their popularity and convenience in Moodle due to their adaptability, ease of editing, and built-in platform support for importexport operations. The paper investigates specific problems related to the peculiarities of software processing in the import-export processes that users face when creating educational materials, especially in the IT domain, by manually forming question databases and importing tools from external sources. Various approaches are proposed to overcome these difficulties, including the selection of appropriate file formats for importing, the use of escape characters to distinguish markup from content, integration of data formats into each other, and combined formatting methods. In conclusion, the necessity of individual approaches to formatting educational materials, especially for IT-focused educational components, is emphasized. The proposed solutions aim to optimize work with platforms that support the mentioned data exchange formats, particularly in the process of populating question databases, not only for IT educational materials but also for other disciplines with similar formatting issues.
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