library of problems and solutions, numbering, sorting by simple selection and exchange, problem model, solution method, verbal description of the algorithm, algorithm diagram, network model of problem solving, macro operationAbstract
This paper is a continuation of the article "CONCEPT OF BUILDING A LIBRARY OF TASKS AND SOLUTIONS" [1], which is devoted to the concept of building a library of common problems and their solutions in the form of computational processes and macro operations, as well as their models based on Petri nets. The library is a tool for collecting and systematizing various problems, their solutions, and models. The numbering of tasks and solutions is introduced. It is based on a tree structure that is convenient for both developers and practitioners in the field of computer science. In the previous paper, special attention was paid to the architecture and structure of the library, which is a tree whose nodes store knowledge about specific problems, methods of solving them, and relevant computing processes, which provides a deep understanding of the characteristics of the problem and its solution. In the previous article, we mentioned the division of the library into an open part accessible to the user and a closed part that is under the control of the developer. This article describes how to fill the library with two tasks: simple selection sorting and simple exchange. Each task is presented with a detailed solution containing: a task model, a solution method, a computational process (CP) in the form of a verbal description of the algorithm, an algorithm diagram, a list of macro operations, a CP model in the form of a Petri net with a description of the network elements and scenarios for its verification. To maintain the style of presentation of the problem solution, the article is also supplemented with inserts that lack information for sorting: the problem model and the method of its solution. In addition, the Sorting node of the library contains theoretical information about sorting: what is sorting, types of sorting, their features, and for simple sortings, a table of quality assessment of the sorting process.
Паулін, О. М., Комлева Н.О., Нікітченко, М. І. КОНЦЕПЦІЯ ПОБУДОВИ БІБЛІОТЕКИ ЗАДАЧ ТА РІШЕНЬ // Таврійський науковий вісник. Серія: Технічні науки. 2023. №. 5.
Wirth N. Algorithms & Data Structures. Pearson Education, Limited, 1986. 288 p.