restaurant business, innovations, innovative technologies, food technologies, innovative development strategyAbstract
Current trends in economic development dictate the need for innovative changes in food technologies and operating principles of restaurant businesses. A characteristic feature of the restaurant business is customer orientation, so today companies in this area offer not only public catering services, but also accompany the process of food consumption with other visual and emotional factors, which makes it necessary to develop not only public catering services, but also provide additional services. The purpose of the article is to study innovations in the restaurant industry and adapt food technologies to modern requirements of sustainable development. The introduction of innovations in the national economy is associated with updating the range of goods and services, expanding the sales market, applying new methods of supply, production and use, making changes in management, organization, Food Technology and working conditions. Innovation is considered the driving force behind economic growth and the competitive advantage of enterprises in the market of goods and services. The restaurant business develops in a competitive environment and changes in accordance with the needs of consumers and market conditions. Restaurants are in constant competition, competing for promising market niches, the ability to retain loyal customers, and the ability to attract new customers to their establishments. The growing demand of consumers for high-quality service requires special attention to the problem of studying restaurant activity. At the present stage of development of the catering industry, one of the most important marketing tools for improving the level of customer service and increasing sales of restaurant products is the introduction of original innovative technologies of food and menu, that is, electronic menus, and remote control of Service. Therefore, in their activities, restaurants try to introduce innovative methods and technologies of Service, reduce the time required to provide services, improve the quality of Service and increase the attractiveness of restaurant establishments. The introduction of advanced food and service technologies in modern restaurants, together with well-developed concepts, is the key to ensuring success and increasing competitiveness in the service sector. The correct choice of the strategy of innovative development of restaurant Enterprises is aimed at introducing modern, scientifically based food technologies that meet the requirements of modern and international standards. In the context of economic changes and the transition to market relations, innovations become the main factor contributing to the dynamic development and efficiency of restaurant enterprises.
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