pate, Pleurotus mushrooms, recipe, technology, organoleptic propertiesAbstract
Based on the generalization of analytical and experimental studies, the prospects of using Pleurotus eryngii for the production of pates in restaurant establishments have been substantiated and scientifically confirmed. Mushroom raw materials are a valuable source of protein, minerals and biologically active substances, in particular physiologically active β-glucans, vitamins, etc., have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, have a positive effect on human health and have practically no age restrictions on consumption. Pleurotus eryngii is also characterized by a high level of digestibility, which allows it to be used in dietary food technologies. In addition, Pleurotus eryngii have a delicate texture, mild taste and aroma compared to other mushrooms, which makes it possible to use them in the technologies of food products with a multicomponent composition, and the use of cultivated mushroom raw materials will ensure their safety and quality. Based on the analysis of the composition and functional and technological properties, the ingredients were selected and a recipe for a paste based on Pleurotus eryngii was developed, containing Pleurotus eryngii mushrooms – 60 fresh carrots – 11.8%; fresh onions – 9.7%; almond-based drink – 13%; psyllium – 3%; table salt – 0.5%; black pepper – 0.5%; haymaker – 0.5%; parsley – 1%. A technological scheme for the production of a new type of paste was developed and the technological parameters of processing the mixture were substantiated – 120±15°C at a working body frequency of 2000 rpm. The expediency of the decisions made was confirmed by the evaluation of organoleptic samples and the analysis of microphotographic images of the new type of paste. The pate has a relatively low calorie content, which is great for those who keep fit. The results of this work can be useful for pate producers, chefs, and for scientific research in the food industry.
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