artificial intelligence, intelligent information technologies, information security, cybersecurityAbstract
This article explores comprehensive approaches to information protection in the context of rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. It analyzes potential threats that appear when people use AI across different areas from cybersecurity to ethical dilemmas. The relevance of data security in AI constantly increases according to the popularity of smart technologies using in the development of different types of information systems. The main focus is not only on the technical aspects of security, but also on the social and legal dimensions, including regulation and control over the activities of AI systems. The article also touches upon the importance of international cooperation and knowledge exchange to establish a global security framework in the field of AI. The purpose of this research is developing of strategies for ensuring data security in the context of AI and their influence on the general safety of information systems. As a part of research, there are considered analysis methods of existing data protection models, synthesis of new solutions and evaluation of their efficiency in the test conditions. Also, there are proposed a number of strategies that include the development of the reliable algorithms, the establishment of data security standards and the implementation of monitoring systems to prevent malicious use of AI. The main results allow us to conclude that the creation of unified data security standards will help not only the level of protection of confidential information in AI systems, but also will contribute to increasing public trust in the use of these systems. This can have a significant impact on the development of new technologies, economic evolution and the protection of human rights and freedoms in the digital world. The research results have practical significance as they offer recommendations for the developed strategies implementation in the real AI systems, which, in turn, can serve as a basis for further legislative regulation in this area.
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