



tomatoes, snacks, food concentrates, drying, canning


The main trend in the market of snack products is the increase in consumer demand for healthy food products. That is why an alternative to snacks with a high content of fats and flavorings can be dried fruit and vegetable products, in particular dried vegetable snacks. Drying as a preservation method slows down biochemical processes in plant raw materials and prevents the development of microorganisms under storage conditions. A low level of intake of biologically active components from food worsens health and leads to an increase in diseases, especially in children. The natural source of these substances is fruit and vegetable raw materials, which are able to provide consumers with the maximum amount of necessary physiological and nutritional substances. The science of healthy eating has radically changed people's food preferences and brought vegetables and fruits to the top of the menu. Vegetable and fruit dishes are the main source of minerals, such as calcium and sodium salts, phosphorus, iron, as well as B vitamins, ascorbic acid and carotene. To fulfill the set goal, the tasks of theoretical substantiation of the feasibility of creating paste products based on tomato raw materials were solved. The selection of tomato raw materials and additional components, suitable for their biological and technological properties for the construction of pastille, was substantiated. The task of researching the chemical composition of the selected raw materials was carried out. A technological scheme and recipes for tomato snacks have been developed. The chemical composition of tomato paste with healing properties was studied. Production of dried snacks will make it possible to eliminate the seasonality of vegetable consumption and ensure the needs of consumers due to the maximum preservation of quality during technological production processes.


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How to Cite

Дущак, О. В., Шутюк, В. В., Рубанка, К. В., & Кіях, Є. Б. (2024). WAYS OF USING TOMATO RAW MATERIALS IN VEGETABLE SNACKS PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 131-137. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.2.14