soybean, meal, digestion processes, technological processing methodsAbstract
The conducted experiments give reason to claim that the use of native soybeans is undesirable due to the high activity of the anti-nutritional enzyme urease. However, the use of various methods of technological processing of this grain significantly increases the availability of nutrients. In particular, a high positive effect of micronization (treatment temperature of 125 0С) was established, since a higher grain processing temperature leads to a decrease in its biological integrity. This opens up the prospect of using processed soybeans in the production of bread, which makes it possible to increase the mass share of protein and reduce the share of carbohydrates, to ensure a balanced diet of the population. At the same time, soy processing products, primarily proteins, have good functional and technological properties and are compatible with muscle proteins and are widely used in the production of meat products. It was found that the applied methods of micronization, extrusion and toasting of soybeans significantly increased the nutritional value, optimized digestion processes, promoted high assimilation of nutrients and allowed to avoid discomfort in the digestive organs. At the same time, the additional use of extruded peas and soybeans in the rations of pigs has a positive effect on the chemical composition of meat and liver, which is manifested in an increase in protein content and a tendency to decrease fat content, and an increase in the weight of paired pig carcasses. It was established that, in relation to native soybeans, certain methods of technological processing of the grain of this culture lead to an increase in the moisture level by 6.2% after extrusion or micronization and by 4.3% in the soybean meal. Soybean processing methods affected acidity in chyme, where the maximum level was observed in native grains, and the minimum in extruded ones, and the difference between them was 29.1%. The use of the soybean extrusion method and the toasted form of soybeans stimulate an increase in the secretion of lipase by 2.1 and 1.8 times, respectively, compared to its native form.
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