


turkey, pork, chicken, beef, meat snacks, jerky


Meat is a good source of animal protein and fat, micro- and macroelements. Meat snacks are quite convenient: they do not take up much space, have a long shelf life, and a high content of nutrients. In the conditions of the war in Ukraine, the production of meat snacks acquires special importance. Due to power outages, shelling and other consequences of hostilities, Ukrainians often face difficulties when preparing food. In addition, meat snacks play an important role in ensuring the diet of the Ukrainian military. Therefore, the production of such products by domestic manufacturers is absolutely necessary in the current situation. The purpose of the research is to develop the recipe and technology of meat snacks, namely jerky. 4 samples of jerky were made according to the same recipe, using the same drying modes, but on the basis of different meat raw materials – turkey (sample No. 1), pork (sample No. 2), chicken (sample No. 3) and beef (sample No. 4). During the production of meat jerky, the mass loss was almost half. Sample No. 2 lost the most weight – 62.5%. All pieces of the obtained jerky kept their shape well after drying, kept their characteristic meat color, the taste and smell were pleasant, corresponded to the raw materials used, without extraneous tastes and smells. During the tasting, all samples received sufficiently high points. Sample No. 1 (turkey jerky) had the fewest points. The highest scores among the samples were obtained by No. 2 (pork jerky) and No. 4 (beef jerky), in which the composition, nutritional and energy value were further determined. The content of protein and fiber was dominated by beef jerky – by 0.45% and 0.17%, respectively, and by the content of fat and ash, pork jerky prevailed – by 3.52% and by 0.06% respectively. It should be noted the high protein content in the finished product – 82.55% (pork jerky) and 83.0% (beef jerky). The sample of beef jerky significantly exceeded pork jerky in terms of iron (97432.6 mg/kg) and zinc (128.02 mg/kg). The studied samples of jerky were significantly superior to the production samples in terms of protein content and energy value, and also had a lower content of fat and carbohydrates. It was decided to implement researched samples of meat jerky No. 2 (pork) and No. 4 (beef). Regarding further research in this area, it will be promising to determine the amino acid composition, rational drying regimes, storage period and packaging conditions of the finished product.


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How to Cite

Сова, Н. А., & Леусенко, О. О. (2024). THE FEATURES OF MEAT SNACKS PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 133-142.