
  • O. Yu. Krakovetskyi Limited Liability Company “Technical University “Metinvest Polytechnic” https://orcid.org/0009-0006-9023-0732
  • N. Yu. Shevchenko Limited Liability Company “Technical University “Metinvest Polytechnic”




generative artificial intelligence, generative AI, higher education, personalized learning, academic integrity, AI risks, algorithmic bias, hallucination, educational policy, AI governance


The subject of the research is the analysis of the advantages and risks associated with the adoption of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) in education and research, as well as the development of policies for its ethical and responsible use. The objective is to propose recommendations for the attribution of GAI's role in education and research, based on an analysis of the associated risks. The article addresses the following tasks: analyze the benefits of GAI in facilitating personalized and adaptive learning, automating content creation, and accelerating data synthesis for research; identify and categorize risks associated with the use of GAI in higher education, and suggest strategies for mitigating these risks; propose recommendations for ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of GAI-generated content in education and research. The following methods are used: systematic review of current literature on the application of GAI in education and research, comparative analysis of GAI-related practices in academic institutions, and risk categorization based on the potential ethical and practical implications of GAI usage. The research highlights key advantages of GAI, such as enhancing personalized learning experiences, automating the creation of educational materials, and accelerating research through data synthesis. At the same time, it identifies critical risks, including overreliance on GAI, perpetuation of bias, the phenomenon of GAI "hallucinations," and threats to academic integrity. Based on these findings, the article offers a set of recommendations for developing comprehensive policies that govern the ethical use of GAI in higher education. The proposed policies and recommendations provide a foundational framework for universities to develop tailored GAI governance strategies that reflect the specific needs and practices of their educational and research activities. These policies are designed to promote ethical GAI use, ensure transparency, and mitigate potential risks, while maximizing the benefits of GAI technologies. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of continuous evaluation and adaptation of these policies as GAI technologies evolve.


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How to Cite

Краковецький, О. Ю., & Шевченко, Н. Ю. (2024). RICK ANALYSIS OF GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH WITH GUIDELINES FOR RESPONSIBLE USE AND ROLE ATTRIBUTION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 50-59. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.5.5

