



parallel computing, multi-threading, system programming, performance, thread management, synchronization, resource optimization


The paper examines the application of parallel computing in system programming, in particular the issues of multithreading and efficiency. Parallel computing is an important component for increasing productivity in the conditions of processing large volumes of data and performing resource-intensive calculations. With the increase in the number of cores in processors, multithreading has become an important technology for developing high-performance software. However, effective use of multicore systems requires a comprehensive approach to flow management, resource synchronization, and load balancing. One of the biggest challenges in a multi-threaded environment is process synchronization, which can lead to resource blocking, which negatively affects performance. In addition, the paper discusses approaches to thread management, such as the distribution of tasks between cores and dynamic load balancing, which allow to improve the efficiency of parallel computing. Special attention is paid to methods of avoiding conflicts during access to shared resources, as well as to the use of modern libraries and technologies that simplify the implementation of parallel algorithms in system programming. The risks associated with the use of multithreading, in particular the occurrence of synchronization errors, which can affect the stability of the software, are analyzed separately. This study is useful for IT developers who seek a deeper understanding of the principles of multithreading and ways to optimize computing processes. The article provides an overview of modern technologies and tools used to ensure efficiency in parallel computing, and highlights the basic principles of building multithreaded programs. The conclusions of the work demonstrate the need for a balanced approach to the implementation of multi-threaded systems, taking into account hardware limitations, the specifics of operating systems and potential synchronization problems, in order to avoid a negative impact on performance.


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How to Cite

Кундос, М. Г., Соловей, Л. Я., Грисюк, А. В., & Багнюк, О. М. (2024). EFFICIENCY AND MULTI-THREADING OF PARALLEL CALCULATIONS IN SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 60-64. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.5.6

