flour confectionery semi-finished product, rice flour, almond flour, agave syrup, erythritol, ingredients of vegetable origin, technology, formulation, nutritional valueAbstract
The paper contains theoretical and experimental research on the development of specialpurpose flour confectionery semi-finished products. As a result of the conducted literature review, the relevance and expediency of expanding the range of allergen-free products on the Ukrainian market, in particular gluten-free, lactose-free, without ingredients of animal origin, etc., was confirmed. The possibility of completely replacing wheat flour with a mixture of rice and almond flour was established, and alternative sources of replacing raw materials of animal origin with plant ingredients were selected. The recipe composition of the innovative experimental sample of the semi-finished product contained the following ingredients: refined sunflower oil, erythritol, a mixture of rice and almond flour, agave syrup, baking powder and almond drink. Based on the obtained data, the optimal ratio of rice and almond flour for the recipe was determined. The replacement of wheat flour with a mixture of rice and almond flour made it possible to obtain a gluten-free semi-finished product, and the replacement of eggs with refined sunflower oil and sugar with erythritol and agave syrup made it possible to expand the range of special purpose products and obtain confectionery products available to a larger population. Based on the tasting evaluation of the obtained semi-finished flour product, it was established that the obtained sample has high organoleptic indicators: light brown color, lush, porous and elastic pulp structure, pleasant aroma and taste with nutty notes, well-developed porosity. The moisture content of the semi-finished product is 31.7%. The nutritional and energy value per 100 g of the finished semi-finished product is: proteins – 9.4 g; fats – 33.7 g; carbohydrates – 30.1 g and 455.1 kcal.
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