



sustainable development, cottage cheese, cheese maker


This work considers a comprehensive approach to the evaluation of equipment for cottage cheese production from the point of view of sustainable development. The purpose of the work was to analyze the equipment for the production of sour milk cheese from the point of view of sustainable development. The object of research: the impact of the production of fermented milk cheese on the consumer in relation to the sphere of his existence and ensuring the quality of life. The main indicators in the integrated approach to the evaluation of the technological process and its provision of equipment in the flow lines of product production were chosen as the following: quality of the finished product, sanitation, production of the product from a unit of raw materials, energy consumption, and the impact of production on the environment. Indicators of product quality and sanitation relate to the present and are ensured by the quality of raw materials, compliance with the requirements of the technological process and the choice of machinery and equipment. Two schemes for providing production equipment can be considered: the use of tubs for obtaining cheese grain and closed devices of horizontal or vertical type. The analysis made it possible to draw the following conclusions. From the point of view of sustainable development (some, sanitation, loss of raw materials), for the fermentation of milk and the formation of the structure of cheese, preference should be given to closed devices of the horizontal type. Mechanization of production processes leads to increased losses of raw materials in the form of cheese dust. Therefore, even with small volumes of production, it is advisable to clean the whey from cheese dust. From the point of view of the requirements of sustainable development (ecology, raw materials), it is necessary to ensure complete processing of the initial milk (in the future, whey) by increasing the concentration of production, or by creating separate factories for processing whey. It is advisable to develop new technologies and equipment for the production of cottage cheese based on ultrafiltration processing of milk, as well as other products using sour milk cheese.


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How to Cite

Паперняк, Р. В., Шинкарик, М. М., Кравець, О. І., & Лукіянчук, Б. Я. (2024). A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO THE EVALUATION OF COTTAGE CHEESE PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 214-224. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.5.24