


celiac disease, gluten, gluten-free bread, sorghum flour, rice flour, sourdough, quality indicators, dietary fibre, potato fibre


The article briefly outlines the necessity of improving technologies and expanding the range of gluten-free bakery products. It has been established that a priority direction in technology development involves the creation of innovative technologies for domestically produced bread within the ‘clean label’ category, devoid of artificial food additives. These objectives can be effectively addressed by utilizing sourdough starter cultures of microorganisms and flour raw materials with enhanced nutritional value based on locally produced cereals. The article discusses the development of a technology for these products using a rice starter culture, LV1 Livendo™ (produced by the French company Lesaffre), in combination with sorghum flour and potato fiber as a natural structure-forming agent and source of dietary fiber. A technological model for producing sorghum-rice bread using the LV1 sourdough starter culture, suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance, is proposed. The study also presents the results of kinetic analysis for baking sorghum-rice bread incorporating the LV1 sourdough starter culture and potato fiber. Rational baking parameters for gluten-free sorghum-rice bread with sourdough starter have been determined: baking chamber temperature 190–200 °C, baking time 25-30 min. The organoleptic properties of the sorghum-rice sourdough bread have been evaluated, and a technological scheme for its production has been developed. The developed products have an attractive appearance, medium-porous crumb of light brown colour, with a fairly elastic texture and a pronounced acidic-alcoholic taste and bread aroma. The introduction of the developments into production will allow us to produce affordable domestic gluten-free bread in the clean label category with improved consumer properties.


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How to Cite

Федорова, Д. В., & Ланська, В. Д. (2024). TECHNOLOGY OF GLUTEN-FREE SOURDOUGH BREAD WITH POTATO FIBRE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 246-257.