physics, problem solving, practical skills, problem solving algorithm, dynamics of a material pointAbstract
The study of physics by students of the Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University is based on listening to a course of lectures, performing laboratory work, practical classes, as well as independent work on mastering the course. Nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to independent work. Independent work gives an opportunity to deepen the knowledge gained during classroom classes, allows you to more fully and deeply master practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Solving theoretical problems contributes to: consolidation of acquired skills and abilities, acquired by students with the participation of the teacher. Development of the ability to independently solve theoretical problems based on the fundamental laws of physics. Understanding the essence of basic physical laws, the possibility of their application in further professional activity. Solving problems contributes to the analysis along with the systematization of knowledge, helps to find out which laws and regularities of physics can be used to solve this problem; Acquiring skills in the practical application of mathematical apparatus to solve this problem; In the process of solving problems, put forward certain assumptions, find the limits of the application of the laws of physics, put forward certain simplifications when building a physical model; Establish parallels of the application of physical laws to real physical processes that exist in the proposed problem; To acquire skills of independent search, use of intuition when searching for a solution to a problem; Also, solving problems requires clear and logical thinking and explaining one's steps in the process of solving problems; Do not focus on theoretical principles, but also develop practical skills of verification with the help of a physical experiment. Solving theoretical problems in physics gives students the opportunity not only to master physical laws, but also to develop important cognitive and practical skills: mathematical, analytical, logical, as well as the ability to think independently and communicate. This is an important step on the way to a future scientist or engineer, where not only knowledge is important, but also the ability to apply it in practice.
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