anti-cheat, automation, games, C#, HDMI, Arduino, RaspberryAbstract
In the 21st century, games have become an integral part of our society [1]. While they were once perceived as something exotic, it is now difficult to find someone who has never played computer or mobile games. Moreover, for some people, video games have become an alternative form of leisure or even a hobby. Today, games are viewed as just as ordinary as movies, TV series, or books, making them part of everyday life. The barrier to entry for some products has become so low that even older generations are increasingly considering games as a normal activity. For example, the target audience of Candy Crush Saga [2] consists of women aged 35 and older. It's not uncommon to see an elderly woman on the subway or bus playing match-3 games, word games, or something similar. The issue of using software that provides an unfair advantage in games (referred to as cheats hereafter) is highly relevant. Large companies can release great games with high ratings but quickly lose their reputation, users, and revenue due to an increase in dishonest players. Even though developers strive to fix vulnerabilities and improve protection, cheats continue to evolve, leaving the problem unresolved in most cases. This paper explores the possibility of automating gameplay using external idle systems, which are often overlooked by anti-cheat programs, and discusses how developers can address this issue. The study will outline the most popular solutions for protecting games from third-party interference, along with their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, we will examine existing solutions that are publicly available and analyze developers' attitudes toward such devices. During the research and development process, the following tools will be used: the C# programming language, Arduino Pro Micro platform, external HDMI capture card, HDMI splitter, and Raspberry Pi 5 platform.
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