disinformation, fake news, online learning, ensembles of classifiersAbstract
In today's digital world, where information spreads at an incredible speed, detecting fake news and disinformation is becoming a critically important task. In the context of the Ukrainianlanguage information space, this task becomes even more relevant due to the hybrid war with Russia. Accordingly, in our study, the "Online Learning with Sliding Windows for Text Classifier Ensembles" (OLTW-TEC) method was developed and implemented, aimed at effectively detecting disinformation in Ukrainian-language text data. The goal is to increase the accuracy and adaptability in identifying fake news, particularly in the Ukrainian-language information space. This work focuses on the need to provide a fast and adaptable system in response to rapid changes in the information flow. The OLTW-TEC method uses advanced machine learning and data analysis techniques to create an adaptive classification system that can dynamically respond to changes in the information flow. The central element of the method is the integration of an ensemble of classifiers with the sliding window method, which makes it possible to constantly update the model based on the latest data, ensuring high accuracy and adaptability to new forms of disinformation. The method includes the stages of data collection and pre-processing, analysis of tonality, emotions and text vectorization, which allows for deeper analysis and more effective detection of fake news, relying on the unique linguistic and cultural features of the Ukrainian language. To analyze the effectiveness of OLTW-TEC, a unique dataset of Ukrainianlanguage news was used, which includes both reliable and false news. The results of the study demonstrated the high effectiveness of the method for identifying disinformation, with a classification accuracy of 93.26%. Analysis of the error matrix and other metrics, such as the F1 score, highlighted the balance and reliability of OLTW-TEC in detecting fake news. Compared to traditional classification methods, OLTW-TEC not only shows better results on most metrics, but also provides room for adaptation to changes in the nature of the data. The choice of the "sliding window" size and the ability to adjust it depending on the specifics of the data gives the method additional flexibility and accuracy.
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