



blockchain, broker, multi-stakeholder cooperation, ledger, smart contract


At a recent time there was a widespread use of messaging protocols in modern systems. One of the messaging models that serves to exchange data and demonstrate resource efficiency at the same time is the publish-subscribe model. However, systems with this model have certain disadvantages due to the use of a centralized architecture, in which data from all devices in the network is transmitted through a central broker. Such a centralized messaging architectural model is prone to a centralized point of failure. In addition, the organization that owns the broker will have the ability to falsify or manipulate the data. This article is intended to describe the work of Trinity, a distributed blockchain-based publish-subscribe broker, as well as present an implementation and evaluation of the Trinity platform based on tracking. The principle of the Trinity robot is based on extensive data published by one of the brokers at the border and all brokers present at the border. Subdivisions of data are also stored in an immutable registry using proprietary blockchain technology. In addition, Trinity is creating smart contracts to verify data before storing it on the blockchain. Based on blockchains, Trinity can guarantee stability, regularity, and immutability across trust boundaries. The results of the study show that Trinity uses a minimal amount of resources, and the use of smart contracts allows interested parties to automate data management processes. At the research stage, it can be confirmed that Trinity is the first platform that combines blockchain technology components with a publish-subscribe exchange model.


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How to Cite

Твердохліб, А. О., & Антоненко, А. В. (2024). FEATURES OF TRINITY DISTRIBUTED BROKER BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 130-138. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.6.14




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