


optimization, uncertainty, synaptic connections, iterative relaxation, algorithm adaptation, multi-criteria, global extreme


The paper considers the actual problem of applying some approaches to optimization under conditions of uncertainty in the context of research of complex systems with many interacting factors, dynamic variables and unpredictable external factors. The main factors affecting the formation of the mathematical model of the problem are established, in particular, the attention is focused on the initial parameters of the system, the characteristics of the connections between its components, as well as the specificity of the optimization function. During the study, the evolution of system states during optimization for different values of key parameters, such as the module of synaptic connections and external displacements, was analyzed, and an approach to reducing the probability of inefficient states was substantiated. It was found out how these parameters affect the formation of locally stable states that do not correspond to the global optimum of the problem, and their influence on the quality of decisions made in such conditions was also evaluated. An optimization algorithm has been developed that takes into account the features of complex systems and is based on the sequential formation of initial data, the multi-stage iterative process of the studied system and its transition to the optimal state. The method of optimal setting of the model parameters is proposed, which ensures the adaptability of the algorithm in conditions of uncertainty and increases the probability of reaching the global extreme of the objective function. An approach to the structuring of the uncertainty conditions of the system by ranking the relevance criteria is defined, which makes it possible to take into account the multi-criteria nature of the problem and increase the efficiency of the decision-making process. Practical recommendations have been developed for choosing the optimal values of the weighting factors, setting the parameters of the connection module, and adapting the algorithm depending on the complexity of the task and the level of uncertainty.


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How to Cite

Строєва, В. О., & Пузік, А. О. (2024). STUDY OF OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS UNDER CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 139-147.