offshore hydraulic structures, wind waves, drifting ice formations, seismic loads, reliability of projectsAbstract
The reliability of offshore hydraulic structures largely depends on the reliability of their designs, the development of which takes into account the natural and climatic conditions of the construction regions, their infrastructure, the availability of local building materials and many other factors. Marine hydraulic structures during exploitation are exposed to three main natural forces. These include: storm wind waves; drifting ice formations in the form of level ice, single hummocks and hummock fields; seismic loads. Objective consideration of these factors during design is the most important component of the reliability of future structures over the estimated period of their service. The accuracy of assessing the force influence of natural forces depends on the reliability of the initial data and the perfection of the methods of corresponding calculations embodied in the recommendations of regulatory documents. The values of natural loads and impacts are clarified at all stages of the design of offshore structures, including during the process of scientific support. The reliability of offshore structures primarily depends on the reliability of their designs. The quality of hydraulic engineering works and construction materials used by general contractors in the construction process is controlled by customers and project authors. The design, construction, acceptance and subsequent operation of offshore structures must be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Therefore, reliability issues are of paramount importance already in the process of their design. An objective assessment of force impacts depends, in turn, on the reliability of the initial data, which is determined based on the analysis of the results of engineering surveys performed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. In this paper, an analysis of the reasons affecting the reliability of sea hydraulic structures projects is carried out.
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