


public administration, state, Ukraine, communist government, stage


Based on a number of sources, the article considers the first steps of forming changes in Ukraine as a democratic state in the field of public administration. The necessity of research of public administration, its efficiency and influence on the quality of life of citizens and the state as a whole is determined. The main provisions of public administration, terminology of ensuring a significant increase in the effectiveness of management due to the high level of public support and consolidation of society around common goals, relationships with democratic values, principles of the rule of law, respect for human dignity, non-discrimination, equality, justice, security, efficiency and other. The stage of formation of public administration in the Soviet period and its difficulties in the state are considered. The leading opinions of politicians and public figures of the perestroika period, namely V. Chernyak, L. Lukyanenko, M. Shvaik on improving the political and economic situation in the country, possibilities of overcoming the crisis, the need for economic reforms, the law on economic independence of Ukraine, shows the ineffectiveness of the model of public administration in the Soviet period, the monopolization of power, total control of all spheres of life. The opinions of modern scholars on the issue of public administration I. Hrytsiak, S. Shergin for the specified period are given. An example is given of the process of democratization of the country of the Soviet Union, which was accompanied by the emergence of popular fronts, public associations in the republics of the USSR, without which the formation of civil society would be impossible. Where public and political associations led the republics to independence. It is noted about the need for European integration of Ukraine, taking into account the scientific and practical achievements of European countries to determine the most effective way to build a state that will undoubtedly provide development and stability of the country’s economy and attract foreign investment.


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How to Cite

Білик, Я. (2022). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF CHANGE DEMOCRATICS UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 3-7.