



public administration, services, service sector, electronic public services, classification of services, digital economy


The article considers the experience of developing the electronic public services system in the European Union countries. The main tasks of the electronic public services system are clarified, which include: coordination and administration of interaction between state structures; Organization of services to citizens by state bodies; Organization of interaction between government and business structures; issuance of any information to citizens related to the activities of state bodies; creation of forms of government with the participation of citizens; ensuring equal availability of benefits, regardless of the place of residence of a citizen, etc. It is determined that the structure of the online system of electronic public services and its governing bodies should include: internet – public servers that provide access to electronic public services; free contact centers, combined with a network of telephone call centers that allow you to provide services for citizens who do not have internet access; a postal service for sending documents and materials in writing; an intranet to improve the efficiency of civil servants. It is proved that there are four levels of maturity of electronic public services – information-offices publish information on a website, and users view the site of offices on a computer or special information kiosks, receiving the necessary information; interactive, one – way – users can communicate electronically with individual offices, two – way-where offices can communicate with users via the Internet; agreements-users can communicate electronically with individual offices, and office applications electronically respond to them; integrations-portals are designed for specific purposes, provide information from different offices, and allow you to execute transactions. The article examines the stages of development of the electronic public services system in the European Union countries, the goals and objectives of each stage, problems and recommendations for their leveling.


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How to Cite

Величко, Л., & Васильковський, О. (2022). EXPERIENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELECTRONIC PUBLIC SERVICES SYSTEM IN THE EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 15-22. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2021.3.3