


integration, interregional integration, cooperation, relations, methodological components


The article notes that the relevance of interregional integration to increase the effectiveness of regional development policy is due to the possibility of strengthening economic ties between regions, optimizing the construction of infrastructure based on common development goals, reducing financial costs, minimizing the negative impact of interregional competition on the global economic space. pooling the potential of regions for the implementation of interregional investment projects, more efficient use of common resources, exchange of progressive experience in the field of regional development, etc. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the authorities do not make sufficient use of opportunities to influence integration processes, which are a significant potential for improving the effectiveness of regional development policy and therefore there is a need to intensify scientific research in this area. The author aims to determine the methodological components of the study of interregional integration processes. It is determined that in modern research the concept of integration is associated with strengthening the interdependence and coherence of the elements of the social system and its basis is the intersystem interaction of socio-political, socio-economic, scientific and technological, socio-cultural spheres of public life. It is established that a special form of integration, limited by the territorial framework, is interregional integration. According to the author, methodologically interregional integration should include the essence, principles, subjects and objects, the main factors of interregional integration, the main directions, as well as forms and mechanisms of interregional cooperation, including its institutional and legal support. It is concluded that the use of the above methodological components of interregional integration should take its rightful place in the activities of public administration in order to form an effective regional development policy. This approach will help identify promising areas of interregional cooperation, the formation of new forms and mechanisms of interregional cooperation, and other.


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How to Cite

Корнієвський, С. (2022). METODOLOGY OF RESEARCH OF INTERREGIONAL INTEGRATION PROCESSES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 47-57.