



equality rights, gender, gender equality, feminism, Biarritz Partnership, non-discriminatory policy


The article presents a historical overview of the world and Ukrainian women’s movement for their rights, as ideas of formation and development of legal equality of men and women and modern realities of women’s legal support in Ukraine. The emergence of feminism is quite natural, since not only due to socio-economic changes, but also associated with the growth of the female consciousness attempts of women to find its place in the world that changes, and the measure of women’s impact on society. Feminist/women’s movement has made changes to the legislation in favour of women. On the level of declared rights and opportunities of the individual, regardless of sex, actually not complied with. Prejudice and gender discrimination continue to play. Women and men as a social community at large have unequal access to social statuses, resources, privileges, prestige, power. Integration of the Ukrainian state in the world community requires a rethinking of the role and place of women in society and their equal participation in all spheres of life, and, in particular, in politics and state-building. However, the current situation of men and women in society, the gender stereotyping of the population, official gender policy suggests that this will not happen soon. The basis for this conclusion is the state of gender relations in economic, social, legal and political spheres of the Ukrainian society, as well as the state of public consciousness, where it still plays successfully a number of deep-rooted gender stereotypes. In society there is a double standard estimates of social contribution person depending on gender, different evaluation motivation the same thing men and women (as motivated by obligations to society for men; how selfless, personal, motivated by family responsibilities for women). Given the problem of implementing the mechanism for ensuring equal rights for men and women, Ukraine has received a new challenge – the Biarritz Partnership. Within the framework of the Partnership under the Plan, which was supported by the Cabinet of Ministers today, Ukraine has already defined the goals and priorities for the implementation of the Biarritz Partnership. A domestic partnership with the Government and international colleagues has been built. Ukraine’s accession to this Partnership is a recognition of Ukraine’s efforts to promote equal opportunities for men and women.


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How to Cite

Лєнь, Т. (2022). RIGHTS OF EQUALITY: CONTINUATION OF THE STRUGGLE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 58-63. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2021.3.8