


innovative management mechanism, educational and professional potential, tourist staff, educational paradigm, innovation, projects. digital laboratory


The article focuses on the problem of improving the management of training of educational and professional potential of tourism professionals in accordance with global trends. Theoretical bases for solving this problem are specified. The author’s approach to the modern essence of tourism is one of the theoretical bases. Tourism is seen as a modern determinant of subjective life satisfaction. Attention is drawn to the change of educational paradigm in the XXI century. The change in the educational paradigm is due to the demands of employers, the transformation of the economy and society on the basis of informatization and digitalization. The necessity of creating an innovative complex of the higher education system on the basis of university educational and scientific complexes in the region is shown. The structural components of the innovative mechanism of management of training of educational and professional potential of tourist personnel for the region in the conditions of pandemic and digitalization of economy are allocated. Two components of the innovative mechanism of management of preparation of educational and professional tourist potential are allocated. The first component of this mechanism includes managing the change of educational paradigm for the training of tourism professionals at the regional level. The second component of this mechanism identifies ways to intensify innovative activities to train tourism professionals for the region. The training of tourist staff at the Azov State Technical University on the basis of a digital laboratory was stated. The establishment of this laboratory was noted thanks to the project “Democratic Governance in Eastern Ukraine” (DG East) in cooperation with the USAID project “Economic Support to Eastern Ukraine” (ERA). The activities of the digital laboratory to promote the development of the Eastern Ukrainian sector of culture and tourism in Ukraine using the methods and tools of virtual tourism are listed.


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How to Cite

Любчук, О., & Ярченко, Ю. (2022). TO THE PROBLEM OF IMPROVING THE MANAGEMENT OF TOURIST STAFF TRAINING IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 64-70.