


enterprise management, market modification, inversion type, information society


Peculiarities of market modification of enterprises and a number of practical recommendations for increasing the efficiency of their operation at all levels of management have been studied. The main purpose of the study is to identify areas for modification of enterprise management; defining the principles that are the basis of the enterprise; systematic generalization of the typical directions of adaptation of the enterprise to the economic space and its interaction with other entities in the economy of the inversion type. It is proved that the growth of the efficiency of enterprise management, the way out of the systemic crisis of the economy, depends on the rational relations of organizations, the state and the world community. In a transition economy, where the recombinant form of ownership is dominant, this principle is not implemented. At the present stage, the state cannot establish control over the firm, and the firm has no real economic autonomy. The transition to an innovative model of the relationship between enterprise and state includes: the creation of an algorithm for removing enterprises from the traditional, outdated economic process; creation of limited conditions that will encourage the creation of new types of enterprises, as well as the elimination of regulations that hinder this process; abolition of state benefits in certain industries; increasing the transparency of the information content of market signals (prices) by promoting competition in certain markets of state activity and exposing market abuse; improving the organization of state corporate rights management and public control over the implementation of these actions. The offered theoretical approaches to features of modification of management of the enterprises in economy of transition type can be put in a basis of the recommended algorithm concerning adjustment of their effective functioning at all levels of functioning.


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How to Cite

Морозова, О. (2022). PRIMARY AREAS THE ENTERPRISE’S ADAPTATION TO ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT AMIDST AN INVERTED ECONOMY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 71-76.