



humanitarian space, national identity, culture, education, historical memory, information policy


The article highlights the importance and urgency of forming a single humanitarian space of the country, which will contribute to the consolidation of the Ukrainian people, its unification in the face of growing external threats, including hybrid aggression by the Russian Federation, the formation of Ukrainian identity. It is emphasized that humanitarian factors underlie both economic and military security, because when national self-consciousness is leveled, one’s own language, history, sense of patriotism and respect for one’s homeland are lost, the nation and state are doomed to degradation and extinction. The importance of the linguistic factor, which has a significant security significance, as it contributes to the formation of a single linguistic and cultural space, is emphasized; awareness of the separateness, independence and self-sufficiency of their nation-state. Emphasis is placed on the importance of supporting Ukrainian culture, preservation and promotion of national historical and cultural heritage, development of education, science and more. It is pointed out that the problems of preservation and development of the existing network of cultural institutions in all regions of the country, providing them with modern material and technical base, stimulating the development of film production and improving film service, museum development, promoting the functioning and development of national creative unions of Ukraine, ensuring further cultural development of national minorities is different. The importance of forming an effective state information policy, which should counteract information threats from the Russian Federation and promote the construction of a strong democratic information society in the country, its active entry into the world information space, is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Неймарк, О. (2022). ENSURING THE INTEGRITY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE UKRAINIAN HUMANITARIAN SPACE AS A TASK OF NATIONAL SECURITY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 77-84. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2021.3.11