


government policy, government regulation, digitalization, development, digital transformation


The article determines that digital technologies create additional opportunities for the socioeconomic development of the countries of the world. Attention is focused on the fact that digitalization processes are associated with a large number of challenges and problems that require timely solutions within the framework of state policy. The role of state regulation in the field of digital transformations has been established. Various approaches to the definition of the concept of “public policy” have been investigated. This made it possible to state the ambiguity of its interpretation in scientific discourses. However, despite different interpretations, they are united by the orientation of state policy towards solving a specific problem in the interests of society. Based on the existing theoretical basis, the concept of “state policy of digital development” has been formulated. The current trends in the development of the domestic digital economy have been investigated. The features of public administration in this area have been determined. It is noted that within the framework of the formation and implementation of the state policy of digital development, a number of legislative initiatives have been proposed in Ukraine. Particular attention is focused on the development of state institutions responsible for managing digitalization processes in the state. It is indicated that taking into account the existing global trends will ensure an appropriate level of digital development of the country. The experience of the formation of the state policy of digitalization in the countries of the European Union is analyzed, which is of interest for adaptation in Ukraine. It has been established that state regulation in this area is based primarily on economic instruments, minimizing the number of administrative methods as much as possible. Based on advanced foreign experience, existing digital trends, taking into account modern challenges and threats, promising directions for the development of state policy in the field of digital transformations have been concretized.


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How to Cite

Островий, О. (2022). FORMATION OF STATE POLICY FOR DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT: MODERN TRENDS AND PROSPECTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 85-91.