


anthropocentricity, human capital, human resources, investments, people, population, public policy, public administration, labour potential


The article is devoted to the current problem of the importance of human capital in modern Ukrainian society at the present stage of development of Ukraine, namely the creation of legislative and institutional forms of policy implementation of the formation and preservation of human capital. As well as a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical aspects, development of proposals and recommendations for improving public policy in the field of human capital development. This study states that human capital is a certain amount of investment that is generated and accumulated by a person: the stock of health, knowledge, skills, abilities, and motivations, which are used in the process of work to increase productivity and earnings. The author analyses the definition of key concepts of this issue – “human capital”, “human resources”, “Anthropocentricity”, and gives a brief description of the theoretical study of this issue among both Ukrainian and foreign researchers. The purpose of the article offered to us by the author is to determine the place of human capital at the present stage of development of Ukraine, the peculiarities of development, realisation of its potential and identification of possible prospects in the future. In fact, people create human capital and are the main driving force of state-building processes, so it is extremely important to continue professional development and effective functioning of human capital, especially now when Ukraine is directing the vector of its development to European values. The author of the article also gives his own view on the prospects of development and requirements for “human capital”, possible measures aimed at improving the implementation of state policy in the field of human capital preservation in Ukraine. Thus, modern human capital in terms of socio-economic development is a key factor in ensuring the competitive advantage of the country, the main productive force of the economy and determines the content and nature of social progress.


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How to Cite

Правоторова, О. (2022). STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 92-99.