



state, hybrid war, information security, information sovereignty


The article explores the issue of ensuring and national sovereignty of the state due to the deployment of hybrid wars, primarily in the global information space. This necessitates the creation of an effective system of information security of man, society and the state Information security is seen as a system that provides the necessary level of stability and protection of political, socio-economic, military-defense, spiritual, cultural and other spheres and spheres of society from dangerous, destabilizing negative destructive threats that can harm the national interests of the state. development of society, well-being and health of every citizen. It is determined that hybrid war is a qualitatively new radical form of geopolitical and domestic conflicts of latent and asymmetric nature, a universal means of bloodless security of the interests of the subjects of information warfare, where the main weapon is information, Internet and mass communication channels, targeted public consciousness, basic values and political orientations of citizens, political elite and senior management of the opposing state and for its information enslavement. Given the large-scale hybrid war against Ukraine and the inevitability of further growth of threats in the field of information security, a comprehensive model of the national security system of the state is substantiated. It is concluded that it is necessary to intensify the actions of public authorities of Ukraine in the timely detection and neutralization of threats and risks of negative impact of harmful content of national and world information space, meeting the information needs of man and society, realization of national interests in the global information space. sovereignty of the state.


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How to Cite

Радченко, О., & Чмир, Я. (2022). HYBRID WAR AS A KEY THREAT TO THE NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY OF UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 100-108. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2021.3.14