



historical memory, historical policy, public history, state regulation, public administration


The article is devoted to the problem of state regulation of humanitarian policy, which is relevant in modern Ukrainian society, namely the creation of legislative and institutional forms of implementation of the policy of formation and preservation of national memory. The author defines the key concepts of this issue – “national memory”, “historical policy” and “public history”, as well as gives a brief description of the theoretical study of this issue among both Ukrainian and foreign researchers. The main difference between “historical politics” and “public history” is determined. The shortcomings of the “historical policy” pursued by the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory since 2014 are pointed out. The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory (Institute) is an executive body in Ukraine, which occupies a leading place in the process of implementing historical policy, has the task of researching, promoting and protecting the historical past, the legal support of this process. The article identifies the main areas of work of the Institute, as well as the main results of its work. For example, the effectiveness of the adoption and implementation of “decommunization” laws in Ukraine, which were initiated by the Institute. The organizational structure of the Institute of National Remembrance has also been determined. The author indicates his own opinion on the shortcomings of the organization and operation of the institution. The author draws attention to some examples of the use of forms and methods of public history, taking the example of the staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, who have recently systematically presented popular science publications, media projects and online courses. The author of the article also gives his own view on the prospects of development and requirements for “historical policy” and “public history”, possible measures aimed at improving the implementation of state policy in the field of preservation of national memory in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Сачко, Д. (2022). HISTORICAL MEMORY AS A SUBJECT OF STATE REGULATION IN THE MODERN SOCIO-POLITICAL DIMENSION OF UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 116-123. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2021.3.16