



public personnel management, military medicine, trainings, military medicine reform


The article analyzes the experience of the organization of military medicine and management training in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Moldova. A scientific and theoretical study of the formation and implementation of NATO standards in the training of leadership for the armed forces of the CIS countries, identified ways to create and develop a system of training of military medical personnel in these countries. It is emphasized that in recent decades, the CIS countries have been conducting a thorough discussion on how to provide people with the appropriate knowledge and skills to ensure harmonious interaction with a rapidly developing global society. There is an increase in the process of re-equipping the medical service with medical equipment, increasing the role of medical support of military and humanitarian operations in various regions of near and far abroad, which in turn affects the level of requirements for medical personnel, the quality of their training. It is established that each of the above states seeks to create its own system of training highly professional military doctors for the needs of its own armed forces, to rethink the baggage of knowledge, skills and equipment inherited from the former Soviet Union. The ultimate goal of such transformations is to form well-trained and equipped armies capable of effectively and timely providing medical care to the wounded, skillfully organizing and reliably managing medical care while protecting the national interests of the country. The problem of training managers of departmental medicine is currently at the stage of largescale transformations caused by the violation of the existing system of strategic stability in the world, changing military threats to Ukraine, new means and methods of armed struggle. The article emphasizes that the issue of training military medical specialists for each state’s own armed forces becomes especially relevant during its reform. Similar structural changes are taking place in the medical service. The accumulated world experience in the organization of medical care in any armed conflict shows that the end result of treatment of the wounded depends primarily on training, time of timely and comprehensive medical care, the results of scientific research, which requires the implementation of the results.


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How to Cite

Фурдик, В. (2022). EXPERIENCE OF TRAINING OF LEADERSHIP OF MILITARY MEDICINE IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES (CIS). Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 145-155. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2021.3.20