methodology, public administration content, civil society, rule of law, public administration, citizen, person, freedomAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of the methodology of public-administrative content of the formation of civil society in Ukraine. In the course of studying the problem, it was found that, after all, real freedom of the individual becomes possible in a society of true democracy, where not the state but political power dominates society and its members, and society has unconditional primacy over the state. The transition to such a society is a historically long process involving the formation of civil society. What are the internal mechanisms of civil society that allow the development of economic, socio-cultural, political relations in a democracy, respect for the human person, guaranteeing his rights and freedoms? To answer this question, first of all, in its methodological aspect, we should pay attention to the fact that between the concepts of "civil society" and the one-order concept of "society" is not only an obvious relationship, but also quite significant differences. Finally, it is substantiated that society, as a community, a set of people becomes civil when between human relations there are fundamentally new qualitative states, based on developed forms of self-organization and self-regulation, the optimal ratio of public (public) and private individual and social) interests in the determining importance of the latter and in the unconditional recognition as the highest value of such a society, such a social organization. That is why civil society is opposed not just by the so-called "non-civil" society, a society that does not have the qualities of civil, but a society of violence, oppression, state total control over socially significant and private life of community members.
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