decentralization, local economic development management, socio-economic development programming, «three-horizon» planning, strategic management algorithmAbstract
The article investigates the process of local economic development management based on the programming of socio-economic development of social systems in the conditions of decentralization reform in Ukraine. The defining difference of modern management of socio-economic development of regional social systems is the use of a specific algorithm «program» to manage their progress based on the «three-horizon» system «planning-management». It is determined that the main components of such a system of «planning and management» are: the concept of development strategy, development strategy, development policy, and target programs. It is prescribed as the simultaneous use of such a system at both national and regional levels, as well as their coordination through vertical links between the main components of management models at different levels, transforms a «standard» development management system into a management system «development programming». The use of such a model – programming of socio-economic development management – at the regional level, as one of the most effective modern system tools for managing the development of administrative-territorial units, which seems especially relevant in the context of the completion of the decentralisation reform in Ukraine, is proposed. The obtained conclusions testify to the expediency of using such an algorithm of «development programming» in the domestic practice of managing the development of social systems to improve the management of local economic progress and the quality of reforms in key areas of Ukrainian society.
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