


state policy, physical culture, sports, sports traditions, military physical training


This article examines the features of the formation and development of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports during the times of Kievan Rus. The result of these studies was the identification of its backbone factors in a specific historical period, taking into account Ukrainian national characteristics. The article used an interdisciplinary methodological toolkit that goes beyond the science of public administration and covers the methods of disciplines closely related to the object of research, such as historical and legal sciences. This methodology is conditioned by the historical and legal context of the study of the sphere of public administration of physical culture and sports in the most distant and at the same time the most indicative period for the Ukrainian state. In the course of the study, the scientific developments of scientists who studied state policy in the field of physical culture and sports during the times of Kievan Rus were used. According to the results of the study, it was found that the period under study was characterized by a special context for the development of state policy, which involved strengthening the state’s defense capability in constant military campaigns, and this affected the sphere of physical culture and sports. This policy was conditioned by two system-forming factors: the need for systemic opening of military sports schools and the development of physical culture at the permanent level of communities. This approach was implemented by two vectors of public administration: centralized approaches to the opening of military sports training schools and the primary level of mentoring and development of sports activities at the community level. Both levels of such state policy were ensured by the regulation of these social relations by the norms of customary law, which was the result of the cultivation of national sports traditions most closely related to military training from the earliest years to the period of adulthood. The article concludes that this training system at the level of its public administration has found its practical implementation after many years during the Cossack Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Камінська, В. (2022). SYSTEM-FORMING FACTORS AND THE FORMATION OF STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS DURING THE TIMES OF KIEVAN RUS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 47-53.