protection of economy, mechanisms of public management and administration, state economic policy, national economic interests, national liberation competitionsAbstract
The article examines the historical conditions for the implementation of public management in the field of protection of the economy of Ukraine during the national liberation processes and the Ukrainian state in 1917–1921. The historical reconstruction of the features of public administration in the field of protection of the Ukrainian national economy and analytical interpretation of the mechanism of state influence on the state of protection of the Ukrainian national economy in the conditions of military aggression against Ukraine in the period under study. The methods of research were the historical-legal method, which allowed to identify the historical patterns of formation of institutionalization of public-administrative mechanisms in the Ukrainian lands in the period under study; the modeling method, which made it possible to assess the effectiveness of governmental influences on the protection of the economy, the internal mechanisms of functioning of public authorities to strengthen the economic capacity of industry, agriculture and trade; system method, which made it possible to study the complex problem of forming a system of mechanisms of public administration in the field of economic protection during the national liberation struggle of 1917–1921. The result of the study was that all four state formations: the Ukrainian People’s Republic (during the presidency of MV. Grushevsky), the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic, the Ukrainian State (during Hetman P. Skoropadsky), the Ukrainian People’s Republic (during the Directory of S. Petliura) carried out consolidation in the sphere of economic activity in order to stabilize the economy. The study of these measures suggested that the main vector of centralization was the agricultural sector, which directed legislative initiatives and a range of administrative and legal influences. As a result of the study, it is summarized that the insufficient level of systematization and controllability of elements of public administration in the field of ensuring the protection of Ukraine in the conditions of the National Liberation Struggle of 1917–1921 led to the vulnerability of the economy, which in the face of military aggression led to the destruction of economic institutions and statehood in general.
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