national security, Poland, NATO, security and defense sector, state cooperationAbstract
The article analyzes the experience of Polish state cooperation in ensuring national security. Poland’s national security policy focuses on concrete actions to identify, prevent and counter potential challenges, risks and threats. The essence of the main directions of reforming the Polish security sector in terms of securing NATO membership is revealed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that Poland, as a member of the North Atlantic Alliance, has an active security policy regarding the participation of the Armed Forces in international operations and missions. It is noted that Poland has created a system of collective security, which has managed to ensure the security of many countries in the world and prevent a number of military conflicts. It was emphasized that Poland is the central part of NATO’s eastern flank, on the territory of which, in particular, the headquarters of the multinational division is located. Poland not only receives allied troops on its territory, but also ensures the presence of a military contingent on the territory of other countries, acting as a security donor. Due to this, Poland has taken a special place in the regional security system. The chosen path of Poland’s Euro-Atlantic integration is an invariable component of public security policy management. A necessary element of reforming the public administration of security policy in Poland is to increase its institutional capacity, which provides for the resilience of public authorities to potential crises. The content and principles of public security policy management in Poland are based on the definition of strategic goals and national interests. It is stated that the improvement of the system of state management of Ukraine’s security policy in the field of international cooperation should take into account the experience of Poland.
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