state regulation, agricultural sector, regulatory policy, direct budget supportAbstract
At the article was analyzed the international practices of the state regulation of the agricultural sector. The dynamics of forms and methods of regulation, the target impact of which is directed to the income of economic entities, market relations, direct agricultural production, intersectoral relations and so on were installed. The state regulation of the development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine is implemented through mechanisms of direct budget support through subsidies, tax benefits and regulation of pricing. Since 1998, tax benefits have been the main tool of the state regulatory system. The special VAT tax regime in agriculture was in effect until 2017. An analysis of international practices has shown that the state of economic development, the possibilities of budgets, the state of legislative support, the level of formation of priorities of sectoral and territorial development have an impact on the effectiveness of state regulation of the development of the agricultural sector. The multifactorial dependence of factors influencing the effectiveness of regulatory policy for the development of the agricultural sector was established. The partial use of tools of different approaches to form a comprehensive model focused on expanding insurance and financial instruments, deepening the level of innovation in production, sustainable development of rural areas and so on is appropriate for implementation in Ukraine. The PSE (%) indicator shows the highest level of the state support for agrarian producers in Japan. However, the level of state support decreased in 2020 compared to 2000 by 26,6%. There is a similar trend in reducing the level of state support for agricultural producers in 2020 compared to 2000 in the European Union by 36,3%. The assessment of the level of state support for agricultural producers in the United States confirmed the generalized trend of reducing support in 2020 compared to 2000 almost twice. According to the results of the assessment, the state support of agricultural producers in Ukraine is the lowest, characterized by the presence of negative values during the study period and the lack of a steady trend. The instruments of state regulation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy are comparable to the international practice of regulatory policy were confirmed.
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