


communicative space, conflict, strategies, conflict management, parties to the conflict, destructive, constructive


The article examines the areas of conflict in the dynamics, which involves the selection of stages of the conflict, as well as understanding and understanding of the objective conflict situation. Because in order for the conflict to become real, the participants must understand the current situation as a conflict. It is the perception and understanding of reality as a conflict that gives rise to conflict behavior. Therefore, the conflict is not necessarily negative and undesirable, it allows you to identify problems associated with the position of conflict management. Attention is paid to the communication space, which is part of the concept of communication, which in this context is understood as the process of establishing and maintaining contacts between members of a social group on the basis of spiritual, ideological or other unity. It has been established that communicative conflicts destroy mutual understanding and make cooperation impossible. Conflict resolution strategies have been identified. The content of means of resolving communicative conflicts is revealed. The focus is on sociopsychological research aimed at finding ways to resolve conflict in the intrapersonal sphere, the sphere of interpersonal, intragroup and intergroup relations. It has been established that communicative conflict plays not only a negative role, but also a destructive one. Expanding the space of communication, social conflict, being in itself one of the most striking manifestations of contradiction, internally contradictory, in addition to destructive can also perform a constructive function. The presence of conflict in the space of communication. By understanding the nature of a conflict, you can identify ways to resolve it and then resolve it.


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How to Cite

Черненко, Н. (2022). CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN THE COMMUNICATIVE SPACE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 153-160.