


public administration, innovative forms of management, higher education system, financial support, innovations.


The system of higher education as a driver of the state’s economic growth requires constant updating of the set of management practices, the introduction of innovative forms of management, application, and adaptation of the best world experience. Innovation as a process of solving a problem requires using scientific methods, testing hypotheses, establishing cause-and-effect relationships in making managerial decisions, and their extrapolation to specific socio-economic conditions. Public management of education as a purposeful activity involves the use of the most effective forms and methods of management, comprehensive consideration of political orientations of the state, legal regulation, cooperation with local governments, formation of organizational and managerial structures responsible for administering public relations in higher education at all levels. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the main characteristics of innovative forms of management that can be used in higher education as a mechanism for regulating public administration are: targeting the needs of a new group of consumers, using new technologies, developing and implementing new business models, emerging new values orientations and strategies, formation of new organizational structures, technologies to ensure the educational process, diversification of financial support approaches. The peculiarities of regulating the mechanisms of higher education management in the implementation of the principles of "good governance", which is characterized by flexibility, adaptability, autonomy, further development of mechanisms for regulating funding, setting standards, and monitoring the effectiveness of higher education. The application of the vast majority of incremental (partial) managerial innovations makes it impossible to radically transform the higher education system to modern social demands. The article examines the conceptual model of improving the use of innovative forms of management in the context of the transformation of strategic goals of higher education institutions. The development of a sustainable improvement system of innovative management forms must meet the organization's key performance indicators as a whole, based on the values of an "open society". Further scientific research is needed on the transformation of foreign experience in the use of innovative forms of management in the management of the higher education system of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Соколова, Е. Т. (2022). THE SYSTEM OF INNOVATIVE FORMS OF MANAGEMENT AS A MECHANISM FOR REGULATING PUBLIC EDUCATION MANAGEMENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 73-79.