


reflexive control, information warfare, manipulation, public administration, management


The study of reflexive control as a separate concept began in the USSR for military purposes, as an alternative to the widespread use of game theory for decision making in the United States. The possibility of imposing artificial prerequisites on the enemy to force him to an unfavorable decision, thus, demonstrates an important aspect of human psychology, which makes it difficult to model and predict because people and groups of people do not always act rationally. The methodological apparatus of reflexive control developed then is still used to conduct military and special operations in the former Soviet republics, in particular, the Russian Federation. An analysis of the literature on this topic will allow you to better understand the logic of this activity and develop effective measures to protect against manipulation. The article analyzes the history of research on reflexive control in the works of foreign and domestic authors. Different approaches to the interpretation of the concept, different concepts of essence definition, as well as different areas of application of reflexive control are identified. Attention is paid to the use of reflexive technologies in the election process, political campaigns. The issue of information and psychological warfare is considered as one of the biggest modern threats to the national security of Ukraine, since manipulative influence on the broad masses of the population can lead to the purposeful organization of coups d’etat, and the use of reflexion for strategic planning in the form of foresight. The research of application of reflexive technologies for separate organizations, modeling of activity of the head and other actual scientific works in the field of reflexive control is analyzed separately. Assumptions about fur prospects of research of reflexive control, possible ways of its application in public administration are formulated.


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How to Cite

Варжанський, І. В. (2022). APPLICATION OF REFLEXIVE CONTROL IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: BASIC THEORETIC APPROACHES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 25-33.